miraheze - id: 670849
Name LanguageGood Total Edits Admins Users Active Users Files Stub Ratio Version License http id mt Last update
1948thThe Gamaltor - Official Mortals & Po.. 69 168 705 2 10 4 15 0.4107 MediaWiki 1.43.0 n/a
670849 8 2025-03-30 20:25:24

The Gamaltor - Official Mortals & Po..

There are 10646 wikis in table 'miraheze'. 'The Gamaltor - Official Mortals & Po..' is ranked 1948th by good pages, 3181st by total pages, 2928th by edits and 4174th by users.

main statistics

edits total good images users activeusers admins
705 168 69 15 10 4 2

(manual) config

id method name statsurl version
670849 8 n/a n/a n/a

extended info from API

si_dbtype si_wikiid si_servername si_logo si_base si_favicon si_server si_phpsapi
mysql mortalsandportalswiki mortalsandportals.miraheze.org https://static.wikitide.net/metawiki/3/35/Miraheze_Logo.svg https://mortalsandportals.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page https://mortalsandportals.miraheze.org/favicon.ico https://mortalsandportals.miraheze.org fpm-fcgi
si_lang si_timezone si_sitename si_generator si_mainpage si_phpversion si_dbversion si_articlepath
en UTC The Gamaltor - Official Mortals & Portals Wiki MediaWiki 1.43.0 Main Page 8.2.26 10.11.11-MariaDB-deb12-log /wiki/$1
si_script si_scriptpath si_git-branch si_git-hash si_linkprefix si_linktrail /w/index.php /w n/a n/a n/a n/a

status & timestamps

oldness ts http added_ts added_sc
487 2025-03-30 20:25:24 200 0000-00-00 00:00:00 n/a

misc columns

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https://mortalsandportals.miraheze.org fpm-fcgi en UTC The Gamaltor - Official Mortals & Portals Wiki MediaWiki 1.43.0 Main Page 8.2.26
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670849 705 487 69 8 4 2025-03-30 20:25:24 200
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